Items filtered by date: January 2024
See Your Foot Specialist Regularly If You Work On Your Feet
Do you work on your feet all day and find your feet in pain? Don't go to work in pain each day. Your foot pain can be treated, and we can help.
Causes and Definition of Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails, a common ailment, occur when the edge of a toenail grows into the surrounding skin, leading to discomfort and potential complications. The causes often stem from improper nail trimming, tight footwear, or inherited nail shape, creating an environment conducive to ingrowth. The condition typically manifests as redness, swelling, and pain along the nail's edge. Diagnosis involves a careful examination by a podiatrist who assesses the visual symptoms and inquires about the individual's lifestyle and footwear choices. While mild cases may be managed with warm soaks and proper nail care, severe instances may require medical intervention. Podiatrists may recommend partial nail removal or antibiotics to address infection. An ingrown toenail can cause severe pain and discomfort. If you have developed this condition, it is suggested that you consult a podiatrist who can provide the treatment that is right for you.
Ingrown toenails can become painful if they are not treated properly. For more information about ingrown toenails, contact one of our doctors of Andrea Hyperbaric Wound Care & Health Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Ingrown Toenails
Ingrown toenails occur when a toenail grows sideways into the bed of the nail, causing pain, swelling, and possibly infection.
- Bacterial infections
- Improper nail cutting such as cutting it too short or not straight across
- Trauma to the toe, such as stubbing, which causes the nail to grow back irregularly
- Ill-fitting shoes that bunch the toes too close together
- Genetic predisposition
Because ingrown toenails are not something found outside of shoe-wearing cultures, going barefoot as often as possible will decrease the likeliness of developing ingrown toenails. Wearing proper fitting shoes and using proper cutting techniques will also help decrease your risk of developing ingrown toenails.
Ingrown toenails are a very treatable foot condition. In minor cases, soaking the affected area in salt or antibacterial soaps will not only help with the ingrown nail itself, but also help prevent any infections from occurring. In more severe cases, surgery is an option. In either case, speaking to your podiatrist about this condition will help you get a better understanding of specific treatment options that are right for you.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Astoria, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Definition and Causes of Plantar Fasciitis
Plantar fasciitis, an often debilitating foot condition, emerges as a result of inflammation in the plantar fascia, a thick band of tissue connecting the heel to the toes. This inflammation occurs when the tissue endures excessive stress or strain, leading to small tears and irritation. The plantar fascia plays a vital role in supporting the arch of the foot, and when subjected to prolonged or repetitive stress, it becomes vulnerable to damage. The primary cause of plantar fasciitis is often attributed to overuse or excessive strain on the feet, commonly seen in activities like running, standing for extended periods, or wearing unsupportive footwear. Factors such as obesity, high arches, or abnormal foot mechanics can further increase the risk of developing plantar fasciitis. If you have heel pain, it is suggested that you visit a podiatrist who can accurately diagnose and treat plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis is a common foot condition that is often caused by a strain injury. If you are experiencing heel pain or symptoms of plantar fasciitis, contact one of our doctors from Andrea Hyperbaric Wound Care & Health Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
What Is Plantar Fasciitis?
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of heel pain. The plantar fascia is a ligament that connects your heel to the front of your foot. When this ligament becomes inflamed, plantar fasciitis is the result. If you have plantar fasciitis you will have a stabbing pain that usually occurs with your first steps in the morning. As the day progresses and you walk around more, this pain will start to disappear, but it will return after long periods of standing or sitting.
What Causes Plantar Fasciitis?
- Excessive running
- Having high arches in your feet
- Other foot issues such as flat feet
- Pregnancy (due to the sudden weight gain)
- Being on your feet very often
There are some risk factors that may make you more likely to develop plantar fasciitis compared to others. The condition most commonly affects adults between the ages of 40 and 60. It also tends to affect people who are obese because the extra pounds result in extra stress being placed on the plantar fascia.
- Take good care of your feet – Wear shoes that have good arch support and heel cushioning.
- Maintain a healthy weight
- If you are a runner, alternate running with other sports that won’t cause heel pain
There are a variety of treatment options available for plantar fasciitis along with the pain that accompanies it. Additionally, physical therapy is a very important component in the treatment process. It is important that you meet with your podiatrist to determine which treatment option is best for you.
If you have any questions, please feel free to contact our office located in Astoria, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot care needs.
How a Podiatrist Can Help With Foot Care
A podiatrist specializes in foot care, providing comprehensive services that can maintain foot health in addition to addressing issues that affect daily comfort and mobility. These medically trained foot doctors offer routine care like trimming nails and managing calluses, which can prevent complications, especially in individuals with diabetes or circulation problems. Podiatrists diagnose and treat conditions such as bunions, heel pain, and plantar fasciitis, often relieving chronic discomfort. They also provide expert advice on proper footwear to support various foot shapes and alleviate pressure points. For athletes, they can help optimize foot function and performance through custom orthotics and injury management. Moreover, a podiatrist plays a vital role in the early detection of serious health problems manifested in the feet, ensuring timely interventions. In an effort to keep your feet healthy, it is suggested that you make routine appointments with a podiatrist who can help you prevent minor issues from becoming severe.
Everyday foot care is very important to prevent infection and other foot ailments. If you need your feet checked, contact one of our doctors from Andrea Hyperbaric Wound Care & Health Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Everyday Foot Care
Often, people take care of their bodies, face and hair more so than they do for their feet. But the feet are a very important aspect of our bodies, and one that we should pay more attention to. Without our feet, we would not be able to perform most daily tasks.
It is best to check your feet regularly to make sure there are no new bruises or cuts that you may not have noticed before. For dry feet, moisturizer can easily be a remedy and can be applied as often as necessary to the affected areas. Wearing shoes that fit well can also help you maintain good foot health, as well as making it easier to walk and do daily activities without the stress or pain of ill-fitting shoes, high heels, or even flip flops. Wearing clean socks with closed shoes is important to ensure that sweat and bacteria do not accumulate within the shoe. Clean socks help to prevent Athlete’s foot, fungi problems, bad odors, and can absorb sweat.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Astoria, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
Work-Related Foot Injuries
Work-related foot injuries can be broadly categorized into two groups. The first group encompasses injuries caused by punctures, crushing, sprains, and cuts. The second group consists of injuries resulting from slips, trips, and falls. While slips and falls may not always lead to foot injuries, neglecting foot safety significantly contributes to these accidents. These two categories do not cover all workplace foot issues. Workers also frequently experience conditions such as calluses, ingrown toenails, or general foot fatigue. While these may not be classified as occupational injuries, they can have serious implications for health and safety on the job. These issues cause discomfort, pain, and fatigue, making workers more susceptible to muscle and joint injuries. Furthermore, tired workers who are also in pain are less attentive and more prone to unsafe actions, increasing the likelihood of accidents in the workplace. If you have sustained a work-related foot injury, or are concerned about this problem, it is suggested that you schedule an appointment with a podiatrist who can address any issues you may have.
While working on the feet, it is important to take the proper care of them. For more information about working on your feet, contact one of our doctors from Andrea Hyperbaric Wound Care & Health Center. Our doctors will treat your foot and ankle needs.
Working on Your Feet
Standing on your feet for long periods of time can cause stress and pain in your feet. Your whole body may experience change in terms of posture, back pain, bunions, callouses and or plantar warts. There are ways to avoid these conditions with proper foot care, smart choices and correct posture.
Positive Changes
Negative heeled shoe – Choosing this shoe type places the heel slightly lower than the ball of the foot. These are great for overall foot health. Find shoes that fit you correctly.
Go barefoot – Our feet were not designed to be enclosed for all hours of the day. Try to periodically expose your feet to air.
Eliminate Pain
Foot Exercises – Performing simple exercises, incorporating yoga and doing stretches are beneficial. This will allow increased blood flow to the area and muscles of the foot.
Achilles tendon – Stretching the foot out flat on the floor will relax the calf muscles and tendon. These exercises can be performed almost anywhere. Make sure you add these exercises to your daily regimen.
With a little bit of this information and knowing more about foot health, you will notice changes. Foot stretches and proper footwear will help with pain and prevent further issues.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Astoria, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic and treatment technologies for all your foot and ankle needs.
A Closer Look at Common Newborn Feet Deformities
Newborns are a marvel of nature, but they can also exhibit a range of physical characteristics, including some common foot deformities. One of the most frequently encountered conditions is metatarsus adductus, where a baby's feet curve inward. This condition often corrects itself over time, but in severe cases, medical intervention may be required. Another common newborn foot deformity is congenital vertical talus, characterized by an upward bending of the foot's arch. This condition typically necessitates early treatment to ensure proper foot development. Clubfoot is another condition where the baby's feet point inward and downward, making it challenging for the child to walk. Fortunately, early intervention with casting and corrective footwear can help normalize the foot position. Understanding these common newborn foot deformities is essential, as early diagnosis and treatment can make a significant difference in a child's long-term foot health and overall well-being. Podiatrists play a vital role in addressing these issues and guiding parents through the necessary steps for proper management and treatment. If your child has a congenital foot deformity, it is strongly suggested that you seek the counsel of a podiatrist who can begin the correct treatment method.
Congenital foot problems require immediate attention to avoid future complications. If you have any concerns, contact one of our doctors of Andrea Hyperbaric Wound Care & Health Center. Our doctors can provide the care you need to keep you pain-free and on your feet.
Congenital foot problems are deformities affecting the feet, toes, and/or ankles that children are born with. Some of these conditions have a genetic cause while others just happen. Some specific foot ailments that children may be born with include clubfeet, polydactyly/macrodactyly, and cleft foot. There are several other foot anomalies that can occur congenitally. What all of these conditions have in common is that a child may experience difficulty walking or performing everyday activities, as well as trouble finding footwear that fits their foot deformity. Some of these conditions are more serious than others. Consulting with a podiatrist as early as possible will help in properly diagnosing a child’s foot condition while getting the necessary treatment underway.
What are Causes of Congenital Foot Problem?
A congenital foot problem is one that happens to a child at birth. These conditions can be caused by a genetic predisposition, developmental or positional abnormalities during gestation, or with no known cause.
What are Symptoms of Congenital Foot Problems?
Symptoms vary by the congenital condition. Symptoms may consist of the following:
- Clubfoot, where tendons are shortened, bones are shaped differently, and the Achilles tendon is tight, causing the foot to point in and down. It is also possible for the soles of the feet to face each other.
- Polydactyly, which usually consists of a nubbin or small lump of tissue without a bone, a toe that is partially formed but has no joints, or an extra toe.
- Vertical talus, where the talus bone forms in the wrong position causing other bones in the foot to line up improperly, the front of the foot to point up, and the bottom of the foot to stiffen, with no arch, and to curve out.
- Tarsal coalition, when there is an abnormal connection of two or more bones in the foot leading to severe, rigid flatfoot.
- Cleft foot, where there are missing toes, a V-shaped cleft, and other anatomical differences.
- Macrodactyly, when the toes are abnormally large due to overgrowth of the underlying bone or soft tissue.
Treatment and Prevention
While there is nothing one can do to prevent congenital foot problems, raising awareness and receiving neonatal screenings are important. Early detection by taking your child to a podiatrist leads to the best outcome possible.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact our office located in Astoria, NY . We offer the newest diagnostic tools and technology to treat your foot and ankle needs.